Sunday, October 2, 2011

Recovery has begun! Oct 1, 2011

Recovery has begun!

Stephen has been home for 48 hours now and is in full recovery mode - mainly possible because of our family, friends, and school communities. We are being nourished physically, spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. Scheduled food deliveries from Nueva families will begin next week, while unscheduled ones have been appearing at our doorstep. A Friends School family stopped by to offer us a Rosh Hashanah meal, a meaningful gesture as we have so much to be thankful for in this New Year and no time to really acknowledge it. Anemo led us in the blessings for bread and wine (thank you teachers at Temple Emanu-El!).

When asked what we needed besides food deliveries, we mentioned that we had planned on cleaning our yard and planting a garden this fall, creating a peaceful sanctuary for Stephen's recovery. Since the surgery happened sooner than we expected, this too is being taken care of for us. Nueva families will be donating plants, while a former Nueva parent and a colleague and friend have spent countless hours planning the "make-over." We received generous support from a family to have the yard cleaned and supplies bought. The first lemon tree arrived this afternoon! 

The Friends School community gave us the gift of multiple massages and acupuncture treatments. Stephen had one this afternoon and was able to relax in a way he has not in a long time, especially with the lavender, sesame, and almond oils. I look forward to scheduling one for myself next week.

Friends and family are calling from far away, others are bringing books, stories, and offering movie suggestions. Temple Emanu-El families are providing playdates and rides for Anemo.

With all of you taking over where the doctors left off, Stephen is continuing to get stronger and healthier. 

Tomorrow we celebrate Stephen's 43rd birthday. 

With much love and gratitude, Suzanne


  1. Rest well, Stephen and Happy Birthday! You and your family are in my thoughts everyday. -Devin

  2. You are a family blessed by so many loved ones! Blessed because you are so loving to all of us. Love to all of you!

  3. Stephen, so glad to hear you're doing well. Suzanne, thanks for these wonderful posts. Anemo, thanks for taking such good care of your dad! You have such a beautiful family.
    Look forward to dropping off Thursday dinner. Planning to bring a uke. Just say the word and I'll leave it home (would hate to set back the recovery).
    Love, Dan

  4. We all send our prayers and healing light and strength to you. Your writing is so beautiful and inspiring Suzanne. Happy BIrthday to Stephen! The Gloeckler Greene Family
