Thursday, October 13, 2011

"The New Normal" - Oct 13, 2011

I think I finally understand the definition of "the new normal." We now go about our days very differently than we did just a few weeks ago and are more hyper aware than we have ever been. With that, we are also more grateful and present.

At the height of the new normal, came the conversation with the radiation oncologist yesterday. Suddenly what seemed unimaginable and scary, started presenting as doable and necessary, a new routine for a little while that we will graciously accept. The treatment plan is not yet set in stone but we are gearing up for the likelihood of six weeks worth of radiation and a chemo plan we will learn about next Friday. We continue to feel optimistic and confident that the care Stephen is receiving is as good as it gets.

Below is a picture of the three of us (two looking more tired than the third....) yesterday dropping Anemo off at school, before staple removal and the radiation meeting. 

Will send along more news as we receive it.

Much love, Suzanne

1 comment:

  1. We send tons of healing energy, our love and our prayers your way!
    Thinking of you daily! Be well soon!

    Love, Linda, Mike, Mindy and Melody McTeigue
